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SAT Writing Test - 3

Instructions: Read the entire sentence carefully but quickly, paying attention to underlined choices (A) through (E). Select the underlined word or phrase that needs to be changed to make the sentence correct. Some sentences contain no error at all.

1. Within the house, his mother embraced him; although his father was not quite so effusive when he returned from where he had been looking for his son.
A) him; his father was not quite so effusive when he returned
B) him; but his father was not quite so effusive upon his returning
C) him; hence, his father was not effusive when he was returning
D) him; yet his father was not quite so effusive returning
E) him; meanwhile, when he returned, his father was not quite so effusive

2. We never find it because we don't know if such a connection exists or whether we would recognize it if it did.
A) Whether we would recognize it if it did, we never find it because we don't know if such a connection exists.
B) If such a connection exists, we never find it, therefore we don't know whether we would recognize it if it did.
C) We, because we don't know if such a connection exists or whether we would recognize it if we did, never find it.
D) We don't know if such a connection exists, because we never find it whether we would recognize it if we did.
E) We never find it because we don't know if such connection exists or whether we would recognize it if we did.

3. Gazing ahead, her future seemed perilous, and she was afraid that any risks she might attempt would make her situation worse.
A) Gazing ahead, she was afraid that any risks she might attempt would make her situation worse; her future seemed perilous.
B) Gazing ahead, her future seemed perilous, and she was afraid that any risks she might attempt would make her situation worse.
C) Her future seemed perilous, gazing ahead, afraid that any risks would make her situation worse.
D) Gazing ahead, while she was afraid that any risks she might attempt would make her situation worse, her future seemed perilous.
E) She was afraid that any risks she might attempt would make her situation worse; gazing ahead, her future seemed perilous.

4. Some lawyers eventually tire of all the paperwork and billing, others mind it less as long as they garner a steady income.
A) billing; others mind it less
B) billing and also others mind it less
C) billing, others mind it less
D) billing and others mind it less
E) billing: minding it less

5. What happened the day before; he could not seem to recall with any clarity.
A) before he could not recall that with any clarity.
B) before, he could not seem to recall with any clarity.
C) before: he could not seem to recall with any clarity.
D) before. He could not, it seemed, recall with any clarity.
E) before he could not, recall it with any clarity it seemed.

Instructions: The underlined and lettered sections of each sentence below may contain an error in grammar, usage, word choice (diction), or expression (idiom). Read each sentence carefully, and identify the item that contains the error. Indicate your choice by selecting in the corresponding choice. Only the underlined parts contain errors. Assume that the rest of each sentence is correct. No sentence contains more than one error. Some sentences may contain no error, in which case the correct answer will be (E) (No error).

6. Each voter was instructed (A) to wait outside, but several was seen (B) entering the room without anyone (3) stopping them (4). No error (5)
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) No error.

7. After (A) defending the cause of freedom, some protesters (B) returned their (C) homes to find their (D) neighborhoods abandoned.
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) No error.

8. Those who (A) enter the unspoiled forests rarely (B) depart without a promise (C) to return some day and continue there (D) exploration.
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) No error.

9. Meteors, some (A) of which have been (B) around since before the origin of civilization, are always falling (C) into Earth's atmosphere(D).
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) No error.

10. Critics wonder how cities that developed (A) on the midst of (B) arid desert plains not only (C) manage to survive (D), but continue to thrive, despite their harsh settings.
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) No error.

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