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Last Updated: October 03, 2022

What is ARRT Certification?

The ARRT Certification or the American Registry of Radiologic Technologist certification is taken by candidates who wish to develop their careers within the field of medical imaging and radiation therapy. The certification has around 350,000 registrants since the ARRT offers certification and registration in different radiologic disciplines. Having this certification will prove that the candidate fulfills the necessary credentials for being a radiation therapist with national standards. With this certification, candidates will be eligible to legally practice medical imaging and intervention procedures as stated by the specific certification one takes.

Candidates who have this certification will be recognized by employers, state licensing authorities, and federal regulators as this act as a verification of professional standards. Over 330,000 technologists hold the ARRT credential as of now and though not all states require professionals to be licensed by the state, this needn’t be limited to ARRT.

Who Can Apply for ARRT Certification?

There are 15 credentials that one can earn through ARRT and each credential has different eligibility requirements that one ought to meet. The initial requirements for each of these credentials are similar and are based on education, ethics, and examination. The primary eligibility pathway requirements allow candidates to take certain credentials only. Candidates who surpass the primary eligibility requirements and meet the post-primary eligibility pathway will be able to take up other credentials. These candidates will have to hold a credential from ARDMS or NMTCB.

Primary Eligibility Pathway

Candidates who wish to take the ARRT certification will initially have to apply for a primary pathway before they qualify for the post-primary pathway. This credential will have to be renewed irrespective of whether they eventually take the post-primary credential or not. The primary requirements that one ought to meet are in the areas of education, ethics, and examination. The general requirements that one ought to meet for these credentials are as follows-

Credentials Available in Primary Pathway

Candidates who meet the primary eligibility requirements will be able to take up the following credentials-

Post-Primary Eligibility Pathway

The post-primary pathway is an advanced test requiring more qualification requirements than the primary pathway. Candidates who wish to take this will require a primary pathway credential which has to be maintained and they will have to meet additional requirements. The post-primary requirements that one ought to meet are also divided into the 3 areas of education, ethics, and examination. These are-

Credentials Available in Post-Primary Pathway

Candidates who hold a credential from the ARDMS or the NMTCB and also meet the post-primary eligibility requirements will be able to take the following additional credentials.

Cost of ARRT Certification

The cost of taking an ARRT credential is dependent on whether the candidate is applying for a primary pathway or a post-primary pathway. Candidates will also have to pay an additional fee for reinstating their certification and other miscellaneous costs. The fee structure is as follows-
PurposeFee Amount
Primary (R, N, T, MR, S) $225
Post-Primary (M, CT, MR, BD, CI, VI, VS, BS, R.R.A.) $225
Post-Primary (CT, MR, BD, VS) using NMTCB as supporting category $450
Post-Primary (MR, VS, BS) using ARDMS as supporting category$450
Reinstate Certification$225
Registration by Re-Examination$225
Online Reinstatement without Re-Examination$75
Annual Renewal Fee$30

Duration to Take ARRT Certification

The exam duration for each credential is different. Hence, candidates will have to go through the handbooks for each designated credential to know more details about the exams provided.

Credential Options and Exam Format

The credentials that one can take through ARRT are as follows and their details are as follows-

Bone Densitometry/BD

Scored Items75
Pilot Items30
Tutorial Time8 minutes
NDA Time2 minutes
Test Time1 hour 45 minutes
Survey Time10 minutes
Total Time2 hours 5 minutes

Breast Sonography/BS

Scored Items185
Pilot Items40
Tutorial Time8 minutes
NDA Time2 minutes
Test Time3 hours 45 minutes
Survey Time10 minutes
Total Time4 hours, 5 minutes

Cardiac Interventional Radiography/CI

Scored Items145
Pilot Items25
Tutorial Time8 minutes
NDA Time2 minutes
Test Time3 hours
Survey Time10 minutes
Total Time3 hours 30 minutes

Computed Tomography/CT

Scored Items165
Pilot Items30
Tutorial Time8 minutes
NDA Time2 minutes
Test Time3 hours, 40 minutes
Survey Time10 minutes
Total Time4 hours

Magnetic Resonance Imaging/MRI

Scored Items200
Pilot Items20
Tutorial Time8 minutes
NDA Time2 minutes
Test Time3 hours, 30 minutes
Survey Time10 minutes
Total Time3 hours, 50 minutes


Scored Items115
Pilot Items25
Tutorial Time8 minutes
NDA Time2 minutes
Test Time2 hours, 30 minutes
Survey Time10 minutes
Total Time2 hours, 50 minutes

Nuclear Medicine Technology/N

Scored Items200
Pilot Items30
Tutorial Time8 minutes
NDA Time2 minutes
Test Time3 hours, 50 minutes
Survey Time10 minutes
Total Time4 hours, 10 minutes

Radiation Therapy/T

Scored Items200
Pilot Items30
Tutorial Time8 minutes
NDA Time2 minutes
Test Time3 hours, 50 minutes
Survey Time10 minutes
Total Time4 hours, 10 minutes


Scored Items200
Pilot Items30
Tutorial Time8 minutes
NDA Time2 minutes
Test Time3 hours, 50 minutes
Survey Time10 minutes
Total Time4 hours, 10 minutes

Registered Radiologist Assistant/RRA

Scored Items200
Pilot Items20
Tutorial Time8 minutes
NDA Time2 minutes
Test Time3 hours per session
Survey Time10 minutes
Total Time6 hours, 50 minutes


Scored Items360
Pilot Items40
Tutorial Time8 minutes
NDA Time2 minutes
Test Time6 hours, 30 minutes
Survey Time10 minutes
Total Time7 hours, 20 minutes

Vascular Interventional Radiography/VI

Scored Items160
Pilot Items50
Tutorial Time8 minutes
NDA Time2 minutes
Test Time3 hours, 30 minutes
Survey Time10 minutes
Total Time3 hours, 50 minutes

Vascular Sonography/VS

Scored Items175
Pilot Items40
Tutorial Time8 minutes
NDA Time2 minutes
Test Time3 hours 45 minutes
Survey Time10 minutes
Total Time4 hours 5 minutes

Process to Obtain ARRT Certification

The application process that one has to meet is different for the primary pathway, post-primary pathway, and the R.R.A credential. These processes are as follows-

Application Process for Primary Pathway

Before candidates apply for an ARRT credential with the primary pathway, they have to review the primary handbook and meet the ethics requirements for the same. They will also be able to report potential violations that can take place. They will also have to complete an ARRT-approved educational program.

Application Process for Post-Primary Pathway

The initial requirements for applying through the post-primary pathway include getting the verifier and supervisor to sign off on all requirements. ARRT also has to accept the structured education requirements of the candidate. Candidates will only be able to apply for one ARRT credential at a time. Those who are taking a state exam administered by the ARRT and an ARRT exam will have to choose which they need to take first and apply accordingly.

Preparing for the ARRT Examination

The ARRT examinations are conducted online and candidates will be provided with a tutorial at the beginning of the examination along with practice questions. How one can prepare for the examination will depend on the kind of credential one is taking since the exam length, pattern, and format will change with each credential. A few of the general strategies one can use for prep include-

Validity and Renewal of ARRT Certification

Candidates who have the ARRT credential will have to renew the same every year. To renew the certification and registration, they will have to be up-to-date with their biennial Continuing Education Requirements with has to be submitted every two years, and their Continuing Qualification Requirements. The renewals have to be done when the Continuing Education credits are current or within 6 months after the expiry without which they will be put on a CE probation of six months.

Candidates who wish to renew their post-primary pathway credential will also have to maintain their primary pathway credential. Candidates are required to renew the credential before the last day of their birth month unless they got certified within 2 months of their birth month. In the latter case, they will have until their birth month in the next year. The annual renewal fee for ARRT is $30 for the first discipline and an additional $15 each for other disciplines.

Reinstating the ARRT Certification

Candidates whose certification and licensing have expired or been discontinued will be able to reinstate their credentials either by retaking the examination or by submitting an online application.

Reinstating Credential Online

Candidates who wish to reinstate their application online will have to meet the necessary eligibility conditions which they can confirm by visiting their dashboard on their ARRT account. The criteria that one ought to meet are- If they meet the requirements, they will be able to report their Continuing Education credits before the end of their 11th year. Now, they will have to wait for a confirmation email which will be sent only after the verification of CE credits has been completed. After receiving the email, they will be prompted to pay a reinstating fee of $75. Paying this will reinstate the license.

Reinstating Credential by Retaking Exam

Candidates who have not completed or reported their required CE activities in the probation period and those whose credentials were suspended or revoked due to a sanction will have to retake the examination. For this, they will have to go through the same procedures they have to go through the first time they applied for the credential except that they will not be required to create an ARRT account. They will be able to use their existing one.

State Licensing

Some states in the country require candidates to get a state license to work as radiologic technologists. It is different from the ARRT certification and candidates are required to learn about the specific eligibility and application criteria for the particular state before applying for the same. Every state will require candidates to apply individually to the state since there is no centralized system for the same. In such states, having an ARRT license can either be an added credential or a necessity to take the state license.

ARRT Administered State Licensing Examinations

A few of the state licensing examinations are conducted by the ARRT. These are-

Steps to Apply for State Licensing

The steps to apply for state licensing is dependent on the requirements that one ought to fulfill and the system that the state follows. Most states require candidates to have an ARRT credential and license as an eligibility requirement. The general procedure for most states is-

State Licensing Exam Results

The exam results for state licensing examinations that are conducted by ARRT will be scored and sent to the state by the ARRT. These scores are reviewed by the state through state licensing authorities who will determine whether the candidate has passed or failed. The way the results are published varies according to state. While some states email the results to the candidates, others require candidates to check their official sites frequently for news regarding the same.

Retaking State Licensing Examination

The retaking criteria for state licensing examinations are different for different states. While some states allow candidates to retake a few many times, others may require candidates to provide proof of additional coursework done before reapplying for the examination.

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